Friday, October 26, 2012

Off Topic: Political Upsets... told from DracoGem's Perspective

This image [above] has been quite recognizable lately, even by teenagers... who'd probably wouldn't even know how to be politically correct or incorrect if those very notions were harpooned at warp speed directly into their cerebral cortex (or whatever, sue me, I ain't got no medical degree thingie asshats, so chill and give this soul sista a break!).

Below is a statement, originally posted on Facebook, that was sparked by that very muppety image [top of page]:

Just like I was telling people Obama didn't have a chance on coming out on top by the end of his first term. He had to stop a war, wipe out major threats, try to fight against congresses possessive and aggressive pull and attempts at pulling all the strings, rigging any outcomes to their liking, and controlling and resculpting a nation that suited people more the likes of them than letting it be a successful, fair, and great nation that it had originally been intended for! Last couple decades we've forget those values or at least lost focus on it and sorry to say, got a little lazy! I think if we had really allowed freedom for every soul that first walked and claimed the dirt of this land we call America (though Native Americans lived the land for centuries, just being politically correct... But I digress), we would be in better standing today... Instead European prejudice and injustice carried over the ocean and declared several groups, deemed too "unsuitable", were to be left out of the final Freedom Run from prior tyranny!

That's what I got to say! I don't ever like to disrespect any President! Even if I didn't vote for him, he's my President. And though I don't follow blindly, he automatically gets my attention and benefit of a doubt! Trust me, I disliked Bill Clinton to the utmost passion at the core of my soul... But I respected him and still do. Obama gave me hope when he went into office. I know of many others who think that's absolute crap and might even want to disassociate themselves from me. I don't agree with some of the things Obama did but a lot of what he did, what most Presidents handed disintegrated country, he had no choice but to do or felt it was the thing to do at the time. And as Donald Trump would probably say, "It takes money to make money!"... It's gonna take a lot of destroying, a lot of breakdowns, messes, and failures before we start righting up all the wrongs that we let bring us down! Trial and error, it's a bitter sweet lesson but its something that is always well-learned!