Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

"I have not slept.

Between the acting of a dreadful thing

And the first motion, all the interim is

Like a phantasm, or a hideous dream:

The Genius and the mortal instruments

Are then in council; and the state of man,

Like to a little kingdom, suffers then

The nature of an insurrection."

-William Shakespeare, 'Julius Caesar'

Wikipedia Bio: William Shakespeare


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Short description of what this multi-faceted blog is all about...

If you haven't bothered to visit the Wordpress sister site that was mentioned in my first unimpressive post, then you should know that this blog will be dedicated to a variety of things that are both writing and reading related.

I am proudly both a reader and writer. It's my art and my leisure.

While displaying tidbits of my writing, I also wish to include any writing-related updates, and discuss any issues that I encounter with others. I do wish to build up some type of friend base. And if I'm lucky enough, a fan base as well. The writer in me does not perceive herself as an island (a play on the quote "No mans an island"). I believe that it's a multitude of people that help construct a different world within the confines of a story. Plus, share my ideas and exchange with other writers, my worries and blockades. It's easier to tell a story that's understood and appreciated by the majority and not just a selected few.

The other purpose of this blog is discuss books that I like and currently reading or have read. And most importantly share interesting book quotes.

And there you go, that's a short description... Well, it's short to me. I guarantee that the future posts will be more interesting to read. This was written on the fly. So nothing fancy-schmancy, worthy of awards.

Thanks for reading!

First post that won't make the best first impression... Bear with me!

More will be added later. There are some minor technical difficulties in posting on a more detailed scale... You can go toDracogem's Arts and Leisure at Dracogem.Wordpress.com. This will be the sister site.